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ACTV Sławomir Kępczyński - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Wir sind Spedition aus Polen welche sucht Daueraufträge.

Firma ACTV ist ein Spedition aus Polen mit Sitz in Warschau.
Wir sind als klassisches Speditionsunternehmen tätig (FTL und LTL).

Wir suchen Auftraggeber. Wir bieten Transporte „von” und „nach” Polen.

Falls Sie Interesse an der Zusammenarbeit haben, setzen Sie sich bitte mit mir in Verbindung.

Slawek Kepczynski

Company`s offer

Dear Sirs,

I am pleased to introduce a competitive transport offer and present activities of the company ACTV.

The company ACTV ( www.actv.pl ) operates in the transports and forwarding since the beginning of 2009. Our area of operation includes all the countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe.

We specialize in FTL transport and part- loads (LTL). Our main directions are :
- Western Europe :Germany, Benelux, France, United Kingdom, Scandinavia...
- Southern Europe :The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Turkey...
- and also: Ukraine, Russia, Baltics...
- domestic transport

Transport services provide a modern fleet equipped with monitoring devises, having thermographs with the printer, which allows to truck the temperature of a entire trip and print the stored data.

We transport from 1.5 to 25 tons (13.6 ldm ) : tarpaulin,tilt curtain, double stock, refrigerated, coilmulden, jumbo, container, set...
Please send your directions, you currently perform requirements, other important details regarding road transport.
We will submit the best offer for you.
Enclosed please find our presentation.

Do not hesitate to contact me

Sławomir Kępczyński
Forwarding Department
Road Freight Manager