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Firma Consultingowa MTM Grzegorz Pawełczak - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Consulting Company MTM started its activity in 1992.
We are one of the longest-lasting companies that render services in the field of vindication of dues and elimination of financial blocks. More, than 14-year-long tradition makes us feel obliged to perform the tasks connected with management of liabilities competently, maintaining highest standards. At the same time, it entitles us to be called professional and effective in vindication of dues, cession of liabilities, compensations and solving problems of financial blocks.
We have correspondents all around the country, which allows us to perform ordered vindication tasks efficiently and effectively. Our experience, efficiency and success in the field of vindication of dues are characterised by our devise:

Youll forget your debtors with MTM.

This devise is our task and for our clients, it makes an aim that can be reached by co-operating with our company.

Company`s offer

1. As a part of our co-operation, the assigned employer, taking care of your company, stays in contact with you, informing you on current status of your case. The employee taking care of your company is responsible for supervision and realisation of the order. Our assumption is to make him act as extension of a limb of your vindication department.
2. We accept for realisation cases at various degree of difficulty, including cases that have already been sentenced or discontinuance of executory proceedings was stated.
3. We deal with activities in the field of interest dues, in vindication system, purchase, cession, and compensation.
4. We do not require any pre-payments or permanent charges for conclusion of a contract.
5. We bear all costs connected with proceedings.
6. You pay only if we are effective, i.e. after you get back your liabilities.
7. On the basis of our long-lasting experience, we use the lowest possible vindication rates, which can be further negotiated.