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Logo firmy Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno Handlowe Gicor Józef Zenon Kisielewski

Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno Handlowe Gicor Józef Zenon Kisielewski - opis angielski

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Company`s description

GICOR foundries make casts from the following types of grey cast iron low-alloy iron and aluminium:
- Grey iron classes:
* ZL 150 (GG 15)
* ZL 200 (GG 20)
* ZL 250 (GG 25)
- Compliant with Polish standards and DIN standards.
- Iron alloys with added chromium, nickel and copper
- Aluminium AK11.

Casting accuracy classes:
- III, IV class according to PN-72/H-83104
- GTB 16, GTB 17 according to DIN 1686
We produce casts between 0.1 - 1500 kg, in individual production, medium-batch production and large-scale production. Moulds are made either at manual or automatic moulding stations. We offer development of casting technology as well as make casting gear from wood, metal and plastics.
All technological processes within GICOR foundries are subject to quality control.

Company`s offer

*Small architecture
*Home and garden accesories
*Machine casts