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NSZOZ Dentimed Lekarze stomatolodzy Bagiński Polkowski Sp.p - opis angielski

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Company`s description

We know how important healthy and beautiful smile is and thats why our work focuses on bringing it back that will help you to improve professional and personal relationships.

We care not only about the highest quality of treatment but also about our patients comfort and time.

We treat every patient individually and providing You with the best dental treatment.

Our patients comfort and satisfaction is our basic aim.

Company`s offer


removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth
air polishing
contact fluorization


- primary and permanent teeth treatment
- root canal treatment
- root fiberglass inlays


All surgeries carried out in the Clinic are entirely painless.

- teeth extractions
- wisdom teeth extractions
- root resections
- plastics of the tongue and lips frenulum


-complete and partial acrylic functionally unstable dentures
- frame dentures
- NEW! acetal frame dentures ( dont contain metal)
- porcelain crown and bridges
- crown-root inlays
- porcelain and composite inlays and onlays


We posses our own X-ray laboratory and we offer intraoral radiograms .