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Baron-Polska Sp. z o. o. - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Baron- Polska Sp. z o.o. is company which produces construction equipment from 2003. We sel our products for all country in West Europa. In 2005 we won bronze medal on exhibition in Lublin for our mixer M110. In 2008 we start to sell our mixers and conveyors in Poland.

Company`s offer

We offer mixers of two series - M-line and E-line, with capacity: 80l, 90l, 110l, 120l, 200l and 300l. Our conveyors is long: 2,0m; 3,3m; 4,5m; 6,0m and 8,0m. We sell product other companys - our partnership, and this is saw for building materials and other tools.