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Logo firmy Chris & Chris Urbanski Krzysztof

Chris & Chris Urbanski Krzysztof - opis angielski

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Company`s description

International company. Two-storey semi-detached houses with roof-top terraces. For your security, a solid fence will also be built around the house. From the outset, you will beable to decide exactly what your house will look like. We will give our customers complete freedom in terms of the layout of partition walls, the distribution of plug sockets and plumbing.

Company`s offer

Two freestanding semi-detached houses in the street Malopolska 60 / 1-4, 42-218 Czestochowa-Parkitka. The style of architecture is elegant.
The location, modern architecture and large terraces with a touch of DOLCE VITA make the house undoubtedly a great asset. The convenient and picturesque location of the house with a view over the roofs of Parkitka to the Monastery of Jasna Gora enables comfortable living in the heart of the city yet close to nature.