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Logo firmy DOZAMEL Sp. z o. o.

DOZAMEL Sp. z o. o. - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Wroclaw Industrial Park (WPP) offer lease of industrially equipped buildings on a 163-hectare industrial area.
Situated near geographical centre of Europe, relatively close to German and Czech border, Industrial Park WROCŁAW is surrounded by motorways, rail tracks, a river harbour and an airport. Business activity, stability and safety in the Park facilitates business and production operations conducted by Polish and foreign companies.

Company`s offer

DOZAMEL Sp. z o.o., Administrator of Industrial Park WROCŁAW and a commercial law company launched this business in 1997, although the company name has been known on the market for over 47 years. Company name is not the only thing that changed within that period of time; the company also changed the scope of business.
At present DOZAMEL Sp. z o.o. specialises in providing industrial services and manages Industrial Park WROCŁAW referring to rich industrial tradition and investment potential of Lower Silesia.
DOZAMEL Sp. z o.o. is the owner of a training and recreation centre in Kołobrzeg and “Wodnik” Hotel in Wrocław.