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Logo firmy Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy Plasbet Sławomir Bethier

Zakład Produkcyjno-Usługowy Plasbet Sławomir Bethier - opis angielski

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Company`s description

The main activity of PLASBET company is the production of plastic parts and components with the use of injection method. We specialize in processing thermoplastic technical materials for clients connected with different branches, such as: motorization, electronics and appliances, by producing high quality components.

We do our best to make our counterparties satisfied with our services. Therefore, we provide logistics, on-time deliveries, high quality products, competitive prices as well as professional staff. We hope our products will come up to your expectations.

Company`s offer

From the concept to the final product

Creating and developing products.

Choosing the right material.

The production of injection moulds is done with the cooperation of experienced tool-shops from Poland and Middle East.

Processing plastic materials on different moulds (owned or given).

Overmoulding coating of metal/plastic inserts with plastic.

Assembling the components made by us into groups and subgroups.