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Logo firmy Zakład Wyrobów Metalowych Rapmet Ryszard Rapacz

Zakład Wyrobów Metalowych Rapmet Ryszard Rapacz - opis angielski

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Company`s description

The metal factory Rapmet has been established in 1977. Nowadays, we are a very experienced producer delivering products to many important companies both in Poland and abroad.
We would like to encourage you to get familiar both with our firm and with entire gamut of our offered products. We hope that you join the group our clients.

Metal Factory RAPMET is open to various kind of cooperation also with the other producers.

Company`s offer

Our production program consists of:
- pressed and welded platform gratings,
- platform steps,
- segmental fences for industry,
- adjustable fences for building sites,
- welded nets,
- nets containers,
- metal garages,
- other metal products according to examples delivered by purchaser.

All products are protected from corrosion by the use of hot galvanizing and electro-galvanizing method. We deliver our products on our own transport.