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Logo firmy Agrex-Eco Sp. z o.o.

Agrex-Eco Sp. z o.o. - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Agrex-Eco Ltd is an answer to the market demand for a total service to the companies investing into a modern waste management systems including production of refuse derived fuel (RDF), composting of organic waste, fuel production from woody biomass and processing solutions for wet fermentation.

Company`s offer

Agrex-Eco is a General Importer of machines manufactured by Komptech GmbH (Austria) that include stationary and mobile equipment like:
- shredders,
- drum, star, and disc screens,
- ballistic, pneumatic, magnetic and non magnetic separators,
- mixers, turners and choppers
- as well as full production lines.

In addition we provide free of charge consulting for our scope of activity, technical service and spare parts support for the machines we offer and free technical maintenance and operators’ trainings. Documentation is in Polish language and all the machines have CE certificates.