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Logo firmy BERGER - Serwis Techniki Grzewczej Krzysztof Berger

BERGER - Serwis Techniki Grzewczej Krzysztof Berger - opis angielski

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Company`s description

As an experienced and highly qualified specialist in the field of heating technology on the market since 1997.

I provide services for a wide audience: consumers, businesses,
and social welfare institutions and NGOs.

Despite many years of experience did not I get in a rut, and my services have remained
the highest level.

I have many years of experience, so do my job well,
quickly and accurately.

Stands out to me:
. continuous updating of skills through training in domestic and foreign manufacturers,
. the availability of a full range of spare parts
. possession of professional instruments and diagnostic tools
. valid insurance business
. current electric power (E-1) and gas (E-3),
. provision of the 12th month warranty on each of the listed replacement part or item.

Company`s offer

Service gas heating devices,
central heating boilers and water heaters companies:

* Termet
* Gens
* Ster-Gaz
* Elgaz
* Elka-88
* Fakora
* Lumo
* Mora
* Schäfer
* Hydrotherm
* Rapido
* Radson
* Hoval