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Logo firmy EXTEND Sp. z o.o.

EXTEND Sp. z o.o. - opis angielski

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Company`s description

EXTEND sp. O.o. He engaged in the management and administration of real estate. Our staff professionally manage and administer multi-family residential buildings, providing services of the highest standard. We strive to provide the residents managed real estate maximal living comfort with proper organization of the work of all departments, and while striving to reduce the costs of facility maintenance.
Carefully verify all the companies wishing to provide their Community Housing cleaning services, maintenance, supervision, etc.

Company`s offer

Property Manager EXTEND offers services for Housing Communities, developers, landlords and commercial buildings.

The scope of the company's activities include:
- Real estate management,
- Property management,
- The establishment of residential communities,
- Economic and financial management of real estate,
- Financial statements and accounting,
- Technical maintenance of the property,
- Consulting and planning,
- maintenance of cleanliness.