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Systemy Wodooszczędne Wagner - opis angielski

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Company`s description

The company Systemy Wodooszczedne WAGNER (Water Saving Systems WAGNER) offers you the best devices which allow saving water in your shower and washbasin.
Our products are characterized by high reliability and comfortable utilization.
We are the only one company in Poland which grants three years guarantee for our devices.

Company`s offer

The water saving hand shower/shower head and tap attachment
The saving results of the devices are based on reducing water usage in a unit of time
The shower enjoyment by using water saving devices doesnt cause the loss of comfort
A conventional shower spends approx. 20 liters water per minute, a water saving shower spends only 8 liters water per minute
By shower bath of 5 minutes you can save (20 - 8 ) x 5 = 60 liters