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Firma Poligraficzno-Handlowa Stif - opis angielski

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Company`s description

We have been successful in the printing business for over 16 years. Our first step in the field involved silk-screen printing, and we dealt with that technique until the mid nineties. Intending to meet our customers demands, we broadened our services which now include offset print, graphic studio and bookbinders workshop. With genuine satisfaction we can say now, that we are one of leaders in high quality printing in south-eastern Poland.
Our printing house is located in Wojnicz near Tarnów, close to main east-west and north-south routes.

Company`s offer

* advertising folders and papers, leaflets, posters
* company binders and stationary, business cards
* calendars, holiday cards, picture postcards
* labels, packaging
* jobbing printing, self-copying forms