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Logo firmy Centrum Rehabilitacji i Usług Medycznych BioMed

Centrum Rehabilitacji i Usług Medycznych BioMed - opis angielski

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Company`s description

BioMed cabinet physiotherapy - professional services and affordable prices. You are welcome from Monday to Friday 9.00 - 19.00. We offer a full range of rehabilitation required by the NFZ, jovial and qualified staff and friendly atmosphere. Easy access and location in the center of Piotrkow Trybunalski will allow you to quickly and conveniently find us (bus lines: 0,3,4,5,7,13 and BUS - 50 meters from the cabinet). BioMed is located on the ground floor and has its own Monitored parking. If you hate the queues and waiting for treatments to welcome us and will be adopted immediately.

Company`s offer

- Rehabilitation
- electrotherapy
- magnetotherapy
- lasertherapy
- cryotherapy
- kinetic
- ultrasounds
- providers
- kinesiotaping
- massage
- therapeutic massage.