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Logo firmy FH Wyposażenie Mieszkań Wacław Borowski

FH Wyposażenie Mieszkań Wacław Borowski - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Our trading company for lighting equipment and interior design is a family-run business and has been in existence since 1947. We’ve been running our shop in ul. Wrocławska in Poznan, near the Old Market, since1993.

Thanks to a wide variety of goods of all kinds and our experienced personnel offering you the best service, we may count ourselves among the leaders in our branch.

Cooperating with a wide variety of manufacturers, we purchase only the highest quality and most interesting designs. We are thus able to offer you high quality at attractive prices. This is why we enjoy a very good reputation among customers both domestic and abroad.

Offering a wide variety of hand-made items, gifts and souvenirs, we can assure you that you’ll find the ideal gift for those you’d like to present with something off the beaten track.

Your visit will certainly pay off any time!

You’re cordially invited.

Company`s offer

- lighting
- decorative products as: ceiling fans, brass products, decorative 3d wall gypsum panels, and more.