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Logo firmy FHU S.B.S. Asprofile

FHU S.B.S. Asprofile - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Asprofile is a brand name of the newest products of S.B.S Company, Bytom, Poland, which has been existing at polish market since 1998.
The promotion and introduction into market of brand Asprofile took place at Poznan International Fair BUDMA in 2007.
We are the producer of the highest quality aluminium finishing profiles used as a protection of floor covering edges, stairs, floor panelling, ceramic tiles, also accessories: for installation of floor, wall panelling, protection against scratches and chipping of door and wall. We enlarge our offer systematicly, making it more attractive in respect of choice, quality and price.
Trade conditions offered to our Customers and high quality of our products allowed us to cooperate with many wholesalers and retailers in Poland and abroad.

Company`s offer

1. Finishing profiles
2. Self-adhesive pads
3. Door-stopers
4. Installation wedges