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Logo firmy Stowarzyszenie Link 2 Poland Consulting

Stowarzyszenie Link 2 Poland Consulting - opis angielski

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Company`s description

Link 2 Poland Consulting provides research and consulting services to foreign investors interested in outsourcing or setting up manufacturing in Poland, or hiring members of the Polish workforce to re-locate outside of the country. We assist Polish companies as well as finding their business partners in the worldwide.

We offer a unique combination of the advice and experience of successful business professionals, some native Polish-speaking and some native English-speaking, together with a dedicated team of consultants who know Polish market very well.

Company`s offer

Our services include:
- research (industry, market, feasibility),
- getting started support,
- business partners search,
- quick consulting services,
- labor recruitmet assistance.

We deliver cost-effective high quality consulting and research projects.